Monday, April 13, 2009

Day 20, 4/13/09

Num 15- Man killed for picking up sticks on Sabbath. Moses receives more laws.

Num 16- The household of Korah is destroyed by God for questioning Moses' leadership.

Num 17- Of 12 staffs, only Aaron's staff sprouts buds- proving his chosen status.

Num 18- God explains to Aaron the duties and the rewards of his household.

Num 19- God explains laws regarding purification and how to sacrifice the red heifer.

Num 20- Miriam and Aaron both die. King of Edom refuses passage to Israel.

Num 21- God allows Israel to defeat various peoples. Moses creates the bronze serpent.

Day 19, 4/12/09, Easter

Num 8- God explains the cleansing of the Levites and when they should retire.

Num 9- Israel bases it's camp movements on following the movements of God's cloud.

Num 10- God explains how to make silver trumpets and the Israelites leave Sinai.

Num 11- Israel complains over a lack of meat and God provides them Quail.

Num 12- Miriam is given leprosy by God after she and Aaron oppose Moses.

Num 13- Nephilim are spotted in Canaan by Moses. Spies during 40 day reconnaissance.

Num 14- Israel assigned to wander extra 40 years in wilderness after doubting God.

Day 18, 4/11/09

Num 1- God tells Moses to take a census of adult males (except Levites).

Num 2- God speaks to Moses and tells him where different tribes should camp.

Num 3- God speaks to Moses and describes all the duties of Levi's tribes.

Num 4- God speaks to Moses and assigns specific duties for branches of Aaron.

Num 5- God describes procedures for dealing with unclean persons. Also, a test for adultery.

Num 6- God speaks to Moses and gives him laws regarding the Nazirite vow.

Num 7- A detailed account of the Israelite tribes offerings at the tabernacle's consecration.

Day 17, 4/10/09, Good Friday

Lev 22- God instructs Moses as to when Aaron's sons can approach holy things.

Lev 23- God speaks to Moses and instructs on the Sabbaths and holy feasts.

Lev 24- How to make tabernacle lamps/bread. Blasphemy punishment. Eye for eye concept.

Lev 25- God gives Moses law for Sabbath years and the year of the Jubilee.

Lev 26- Israel is told they will be blessed if obedient, punished if not.

Lev 27- God gives Moses law regarding the vow value of people/places/things.

Leviticus Overall- God instructs the Israelites, via Moses, on the details of His Law.