Monday, April 13, 2009

Day 20, 4/13/09

Num 15- Man killed for picking up sticks on Sabbath. Moses receives more laws.

Num 16- The household of Korah is destroyed by God for questioning Moses' leadership.

Num 17- Of 12 staffs, only Aaron's staff sprouts buds- proving his chosen status.

Num 18- God explains to Aaron the duties and the rewards of his household.

Num 19- God explains laws regarding purification and how to sacrifice the red heifer.

Num 20- Miriam and Aaron both die. King of Edom refuses passage to Israel.

Num 21- God allows Israel to defeat various peoples. Moses creates the bronze serpent.


  1. Thumb up. This comment is twelve words long. -David fireforchrist on SU

  2. Wow, out of the 100 hundred millions blogs in the world, I've now come across yours randomly twice! I stumbled on the first one - pulled through the narrow door - and your testimony was incredible. I shared it with an unsaved friend, and I could tell it really got him thinking. I just found this one, saw that you were in full-time ministry and wanted to hear your testimony and whatdoyaknow - it was you!

    I've actually had a pretty major change of heart and intellect in the last couple of weeks myself, in such a way that I know that God is leading me into full-time ministry, as well. If you want to read my story, I posted it here a couple days ago:

    May God bless you and your family richly in all you do!
