Monday, April 6, 2009

Day 13, 4/6/09

Ex 36- Bezalel, Oholiab and the other craftsmen with skills from God, build the tabernacle.

Ex 37- The ark, table, lampstand and altar of incense are manufactured by craftsmen.

Ex 38- The altars, bronze basin and court are made. Also, tabernacle material list.

Ex 39- The priestly garments are made for Aaron and all of his sons.

Ex 40- The tabernacle and it's furnishings are all erected. Lord's glory fills tabernacle.

Exodus Overall- Via Moses, God brings Israel out of Egypt and establishes His Law.

Day 12, 4/5/09

Ex 29- Covers the process for ordination/consecration of Aaron and sons (the priests).

Ex 30- How to collect census tax, make basin, anointing oil and incense/altar.

Ex 31- God blesses specific individuals with creative gifts and gives Moses stone tablets.

Ex 32- Aaron/Israel make false god (calf). Moses descends, breaks tablets and rebukes.

Ex 33- God informs "stiff necked" Israel that current generation won't enter promised land.

Ex 34- God inscribes new tablets for Moses then renews His covenant with Israel.

Ex 35- Moses assembles Israel, takes contributions and plans logistics for the tabernacles construction.