Sunday, March 29, 2009

Day 5, 3/29/09

Gen 29- Jacob marries Leah/Rachel. Serves Laban 14 years. Leah bears 3 sons.

Gen 30- Leah, Rachel and servants bear more children Jacob increases size of flock.

Gen 31- Jacob/family/flock flee from Laban. Laban catches up and makes covenant.

Gen 32- Jacob sends Esau gifts on the way home. Jacob wrestles with God.

Gen 33- Esau greets Jacob and embraces him with love. Jacob builds in Succoth.

Gen 34- Dinah is raped by Shechem. Jacob's sons kill all Shechem's family's males.

Gen 35- God again names Jacob "Israel". Rachel dies during labor. Isaac also dies.

Day 4, 3/28/09

Gen 22- Abraham commanded to sacrifice Isaac. Abraham begins. God stops Abraham. Test passed.

Gen 23- Sarah dies. Abraham purchases burial land from Ephron the Hittite. Sarah buried.

Gen 24- Abraham sends servant to take wife for Isaac. Rebekah returns with servant.

Gen 25- Abraham dies. Genealogy. Esau and Jacob born. Esau sells birthright to Jacob.

Gen 26- Isaac travels, sows, grows wealthy, travels more...and makes pact with Abimelech.

Gen 27- Rebekah/Jacob deceive Isaac to get Esau's blessing. Jacob told to flee.

Gen 28- Jacob flees to Laban. Esau marries an Ishmaelite. Jacob dreams God's promise.

Day 3, 3/27/09

Gen 16- Still barren Sari gives servant Hagar to Abram. Hagar conceives. Ishmael born.

Gen 17- Abram (Abraham) and Sari (Sarah) promised fruitful son- Isaac. Circumcision covenant begins.

Gen 18- Lord visits. Isaac's birth again promised. Sarah laughs. Abraham intercedes for Sodom.

Gen 19- Lot's family flees Sodom. Wife disobeys, becomes salt. Lot fathers daughter's children.

Gen 20- Abraham teaches Abimelech to fear God, reaps gain, heals Abimelech and family.

Gen 21- Isaac born! Hagar and Ishmael depart. Ishmael blessed. Abraham/Amimelech make treaty.

Day 2, 3/26/09

Gen 9- God establishes "No flood" covenant (with rainbow sign) with Noah and sons.

Gen 10- Genealogy of the descendants of Noah and where family lines settled geographically.

Gen 11- Scattering of people at Babel. Genealogy of Shem...then Terah (Abram's father).

Gen 12- God promises great nation from Abram. Abram, Sarai and Lot enter Egypt.

Gen 13- Abram and Lot separate fairly (Lot near Sodom). Abram promised uncountable offspring.

Gen 14- Lot and his possessions captured. Abram is notified, pursues and rescues Lot.

Gen 15- Abram reassured that we will father many. Future flight of Israel foretold.

Day 1, 3/25/09

Gen 1- God creates every thing. Man is created in His image and blessed.

Gen 2- God rests. God charges man to tend Eden. Man and woman joined.

Gen 3- Original sin. Adam and Eve are deceived, sin and cast from Eden.

Gen 4- Cain and Able born. Cain kills Able. Cain cursed. Eve bears Seth.

Gen 5- Geneology from Adam to Noah and his 3 sons (with exceptional spans!).

Gen 6- Mankind is corrupt. God is sorry. Blameless Noah called to build Ark.

Gen 7- Noah boards Ark with family and animals. 40 day storm destroys all.

Gen 8- Ark rests on Ararat while waters subside. Noah disembarks. God makes covenant.