Friday, April 3, 2009

Day 10, 4/3/09

Ex 15- Moses sings his song of praise and bitter water is made sweet.

Ex 16- Israel grumbles again. God provides manna from heavens and tests Israel's obedience.

Ex 17- Israel again grumbles and God again saves, this time = water from rock.

Ex 18- Moses reunited with in-laws, sons and wife. Jethro recommends Moses delegate leadership.

Ex 19- Israel arrives at Mount Sinai. God comes down. Moses/Aaron go up.

Ex 20- Moses given 10 Commandments = Love God With all Heart, Love your Neighbors.

Ex 21- Various laws are given to help create an orderly society for Israel.

Day 9, 4/2/09

Ex 8- Second (frogs)/ third (gnats)/ fourth (flies) plagues strike Egypt. Pharaoh detains Israel.

Ex 9- Fifth (livestock death)/ sixth (boils)/ seventh (hail) plagues strike. Pharaoh detains Israel.

Ex 10- Eighth (locusts)/ ninth (darkness) plagues strike. Israel still detained. Pharaoh threatens Moses.

Ex 11- God promises Israel's release via final plague. The death of Egypt's firstborn.

Ex 12- Pharaoh releases Israel after God's passover/all firstborns deaths. Israel's exodus begins.

Ex 13- Feast of unleavened bread instructed. God leads Israel as fire/cloud pillar.

Ex 14- Pharaoh decides to pursue Israel. Moses parts Red Sea, drowns Pharaoh's army.

Day 8, 4/1/09

Ex 1- Israelites multiply in Egypt. New Pharaoh enslaves them, orders their sons killed.

Ex 2- Moses born, raised by Pharaoh's daughter, matures, kills Egyptian- flees. Israel groans.

Ex 3- God tells Moses (via Burning Bush) to lead Israel out of Egypt.

Ex 4- God gives Moses (and Aaron) signs to show Pharaoh and the Israelites.

Ex 5- Pharaoh denies Moses request to let Israelites go. Instead, their labor increases.

Ex 6- God promises to deliver Israel from Egypt. Genealogy. Moses makes more excuses.

Ex 7- Hard hearted Pharaoh ignores miracles via Moses and refuses to release Israelites.