Thursday, April 9, 2009

Day 16, 4/9/09

Lev 15- God speaks to Moses and gives him various laws regarding bodily discharges.

Lev 16- God speaks to Moses and gives him laws regarding sacrifices for atonement.

Lev 17- God gives Moses laws covering places for sacrifice and against eating blood.

Lev 18- God gives Moses laws covering a wide range of unlawful sexual relations.

Lev 19- God tells Israel to be holy and to lover others as self.

Lev 20- God lays out the punishments for child sacrifice and for sexual immorality.

Lev 21- God lays out laws that priests need to follow to remain holy.

Day 15, 4/8/09

Lev 8- Aaron and his sons are consecrated as priests through burnt offering sacrifices.

Lev 9- Aaron makes an offering to God and then Aaron blesses people.

Lev 10- Nadab and Abihu are each consumed by fire after making unauthorized fire.

Lev 11- God gives the Israelites laws regarding what foods are clean and unclean.

Lev 12- God speaks to Moses and gives him laws for purification after childbirth.

Lev 13- Laws given regarding the identification, treatment and purification of various skin diseases.

Lev 14- Laws are given to Moses regarding the cleansing of lepers and houses.

Day 14, 4/7/09

Lev 1- God gives Moses laws for burnt offerings from herds, flocks and birds.

Lev 2- God tells Moses how Aaron's sons should handle various grain offering forms.

Lev 3- God tells Moses how Aaron's sons should handle various peace offering forms.

Lev 4- God tells Moses how Aaron's sons should handle various sin offering forms.

Lev 5- More laws for handling sin offerings as well as for guilt offerings.

Lev 6- More burnt offering law, to include if/when priests can eat it.

Lev 7- More laws covering offerings to God as well as some dietary restrictions.